Welcome to Asthma Community Network


AsthmaCommunityNetwork.org is an interactive space for community-based asthma programs and the organizations that sponsor them—including health plans and providers, government health and environmental agencies, nonprofits, coalitions, schools and more—to exchange best practices and lessons learned.

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Network Updates


Members in this Network have real-time access to other registered programs and their best practices; cutting-edge Internet tools to facilitate collaboration, problem solving, and learning between leaders of asthma programs; and the most current strategies for making your program a thriving and comprehensive asthma management resource.

MCAN Resources Now Available on the Network 
MCAN Library

MCAN Resources Now Available on the Network 

The MCAN and EPA are excited to announce the addition of MCAN’s implementation and evaluation tools, resources, outcomes and best practices.
3D Printers & IAQ
Learning Modules

3D Printers & IAQ

Improving indoor air quality is key to protecting human health and well-being, particularly in children.
Community Health Worker Training Programs
Training Programs

Community Health Worker Training Programs

This tool was designed to help you find existing training and certification options for CHWs in your community and nationally. Feature your CHW Training…
Financing In-home Asthma Care
NEW: NCHH eLearning and Technical Assistance

Financing In-home Asthma Care

Delivering and paying for in-home asthma care to improve outcomes for children with out of control asthma. 
A mother with a girl at the physician's appointment.
Pediatric Asthma Program

Community Healthcare for Asthma Management and Prevention of Symptoms (CHAMPS)

It is a family-centered, patient-tailored, evidence-based, pediatric asthma intervention.
Child Asthma Risk Assessment Tool (CARAT)
Free App

Child Asthma Risk Assessment Tool (CARAT)

An app for generating a personalized asthma risk profile for children with asthma.

New Resources

Reducing Exposure to Wildfire Smoke

Sponsoring Program: Regional Asthma Management & Prevention (RAMP)

Landlord Engagement for Healthy Housing Evaluation

Sponsoring Program Name:  Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Toolkit for Managing Mold and Moisture in Rental Properties

Sponsoring Program Name:  Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention

EPA Asthma Webinars

Air cleaner.

IEDOH Solutions for Asthma During Wildfire Events


Learn about serious and growing risks from wildfire smoke to people with asthma and other respiratory diseases and how to use data, equipment, and community networks to prepare to deliver IEDOH solutions for people with asthma and others at risk from wildfire smoke.

A happy young parents with their daughter.

Breaking Down Silos to Address IEDOH and Achieve Improved Asthma Outcomes


Meet the 2024 winner of the National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management, the Maine Asthma Prevention and Control (MAPC) Program!

A girl looking at the rain from the window.

Weatherization’s Effects on Pediatric Asthma: Evidence From a Natural Experiment


Learn from experts about maximizing impact with limited funds by partnering with such programs as weatherization, whose primary interventions (i.e., air sealing and insulating homes) are not common in asthma home visiting but may be widely beneficial for asthma, and more...

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Our Newest Program: Kentucky Asthma Management Program

Total Programs in Action: 1101
Total Members in Action: 5144