
MCAN Library

Last updated: 4 Mar 2025


The Merck Childhood Asthma Network, Inc. (MCAN), a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization funded by the Merck Foundation, was established in 2005 as the only private foundation focused solely on addressing the complex issue of childhood asthma in the United States. 


A father is playing with his son indoor.MCAN supported the implementation of effective, evidence-based programs designed to reduce asthma symptoms and successfully advocated for major public policy changes that were needed for improved asthma care.

Click the icons below to access implementation and evaluation tools, resources, outcomes and best practices from MCAN's programs. Learn more about MCAN's experiences improving access to quality asthma care for children.

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Our Newest Program: Kentucky Asthma Management Program

Total Programs in Action: 1101
Total Members in Action: 5144