Area 2: Getting Results - Evaluating the Program

Award Criteria » Application Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria for Health Care Providers » Area 2: Getting Results - Evaluating the Program

Describe how you evaluate outcomes, the results you may have achieved, and how you leverage these results to drive program improvement and program sustainability. Applicants describing only qualitative data, including anecdotal evidence, will receive partial credit. Examples of qualitative measures include non-monetary returns such as reduced health disparities, stronger community relationships, or public relations or competitive advantages.

Area 2: Getting Results – Evaluating the Program (15 points)

Application GuidelinesEvaluation Criteria
  • Discuss the measures your program tracks, both process measures and health outcome measures.
  • Describe how you track asthma patients, their health outcomes, and progress against program goals (e.g., through the use of an asthma registry, electronic medical records, or other system to collect and analyze information on patient diagnoses, treatments, referrals, interventions, utilization, and outcomes).
  • Describe the results you have achieved.
  • Describe the results you can attribute to your environmental asthma management activities.
  • Discuss how you use results internally (e.g., to drive program improvement and support planning) and externally (e.g., to attract funders and supporters).
  • Describe the results you have achieved in reducing asthma disparities in your community.
  • Processes and procedures are incorporated into the program’s design to ensure that evaluation (i.e., data collection and analysis) is a routine part of the asthma program.
    • Example: Distinguishing Program Feature: Creative use of claims, pharmacy or other data to track and improve health outcomes and delivery of services.
  • The program tracks process measures (e.g., appropriate use of asthma medications, primary and specialty care visit rates).
  • The program tracks health outcome measures such as reduced hospitalizations and ER visits, improved quality of life, and symptom-free days.
  • The program tracks process measures and health outcomes attributable to environmental management (e.g., number of people with reduced exposure to environmental asthma triggers, number of patients implementing environmental controls).
    • Example: Distinguishing Program Feature: Ability to attribute results to environmental management of asthma.
  • The program has achieved improved health outcomes compared to a baseline measurement.
  • Program evaluation data are shared and used internally and externally to guide strategic planning, program design, and implementation.