Melissa Gutierrez Kapheim (Epidemiologist, Sinai Urban Health Institute, Sinai Health System), Andy Teitelman (Vice President, Resident Services, Chicago Housing Authority), Katrin Kral (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

Helping Children Breathe and Thrive in Chicago Public Housing (HCBT) is an innovative pilot program between Sinai Urban Health Institute and the Chicago Housing Authority in six Chicago public housing developments. Recruited from the housing properties, Community Health Workers help families of children and adults with asthma by addressing their homes' environmental triggers, connecting them with health and social services, and teaching them asthma self-management skills.

In this webinar Melissa Gutierrez Kapheim and Andy Teitelman share tips on collaboration between a community health organization and a public housing authority. They also share challenges and lessons they learned while jointly implementing HCBT.

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