This review identifies economic values of home-based, multi-trigger, multi-component interventions with an environmental focus and presents ranges for the main economic outcomes (e.g., program costs, benefit-cost ratios and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios). A previous review concluded that these interventions were effective in reducing asthma morbidity among children and adolescents. Of the 1,551 studies identified for inclusion in the review, 13 were selected. Each of these had program costs ranging from $231-$14,858 per participant per year.  This range was affected by completeness of their program cost data, level of intensity of the environmental remediation, the type of educational component included, the professional status of the home visitor and the frequency of visits by the home visitor. The study ultimately found that the benefits from these kinds of interventions can "match or even exceed their program costs" and that "these programs provide a good value for dollars spent on the interventions."

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