Evaluation data

Question for Multnomah County programs (or others)- Did you use self-reported ER visit and Hospitalization data or did you have access to EMRs or chart review?  When making the business case did you find that payers wanted to see health records based data or self reported from families was sufficient?  Are there other evaluation measures besides the ones mentioned by Multnomah county that would appeal to payers?

Clarification on CAIR cost analysis

How long was the grant for the CAIR good for? I might have mis-read or mid-heard this part; Can you expand on the slide that indicated a $500,000+ cost savings (ER, Hosp. missed work days, etc.) ... it seemed like the grant was for 875,000 and trying to make sure I understand how that investment is justifiable.

I think the answer is that the $500,000 was an annual cost savings - just want to be sure I am understanding these numbers...



