
Asthma Home Environment Checklist

EPA developed the Home Environment Checklist to help home care visitors by providing a list of questions and action steps to assist in the identification and mitigation of environmental asthma triggers commonly found in and around homes. The checklist is designed to allow home care visitors to focus on the specific activities or things in a room - in particular the asthma patient’s sleeping area - that might produce or harbor environmental triggers. The activities recommended in the checklist are generally simple and low cost.

EPA developed the Home Environment Checklist to help home care visitors by providing a list of questions and action steps to assist in the identification and mitigation of environmental asthma triggers commonly found in and around homes. The checklist is designed to allow home care visitors to focus on the specific activities or things in a room - in particular the asthma patient’s sleeping area - that might produce or harbor environmental triggers. The activities recommended in the checklist are generally simple and low cost.

Contact Name: 
EPA Asthma Team
Contact Email: 
Literacy Level: 

All About Allergies Storybook

This colorful book is written just for kids who have allergies. The story of Susana, who has allergic rhinitis, will kids understand that they are not alone. Learn how Susana takes her allergist's advice to keep her allergies under control.

This colorful book is written just for kids who have allergies. The story of Susana, who has allergic rhinitis, will kids understand that they are not alone. Learn how Susana takes her allergist's advice to keep her allergies under control.

Contact Name: 
Communications and Membership Services
Contact Email: 
Contact Phone: 
(414) 272-6071
Resource Type: 
Literacy Level: 
Target Audience: 
