Adult With Asthma

About Asthma in Children

Informs parents about this condition, and lets them know they're not alone if their child has asthma. Discusses common triggers, warning signs of an attack, and medicines used to control asthma. Urges parents to work closely with their child's health-care provider. 16 pages, 5 1/2" x 8"

Informs parents about this condition, and lets them know they're not alone if their child has asthma. Discusses common triggers, warning signs of an attack, and medicines used to control asthma. Urges parents to work closely with their child's health-care provider. 16 pages, 5 1/2" x 8"

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Asthma--Facts TO Help You Breathe Easier

This full-color folder clearly states the facts about what it means to have and live with asthma. Addresses symptoms and warning signs, triggers, getting diagnosed, and treatments. A great first resource for people who have a recent diagnosis or a family member with asthma. 8 panels, 3 1/2" x 8"

This full-color folder clearly states the facts about what it means to have and live with asthma. Addresses symptoms and warning signs, triggers, getting diagnosed, and treatments. A great first resource for people who have a recent diagnosis or a family member with asthma. 8 panels, 3 1/2" x 8"

Contact Name: 
Customer Services
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Warning Signs: Is It An Asthma Attack

Identifies symptoms of mild, moderate, and severe asthma attacks, and lists appropriate actions to take for each. Includes space for readers to document their own most common early warning signs ahead of time for quick comparison during attacks. 8 panels, 3 1/2" x 8".

Identifies symptoms of mild, moderate, and severe asthma attacks, and lists appropriate actions to take for each. Includes space for readers to document their own most common early warning signs ahead of time for quick comparison during attacks. 8 panels, 3 1/2" x 8".

Contact Name: 
Customer Services
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