Asthma Educator

Providers Asthma Tool Kit

An asthma tool kit for healthcare providers.

The targeted populations for this tool kit are pediatricians and family practice physicians, advance practice nurses, respiratory therapists and asthma educators.  The purpose of the tool kit is to encourage healthcare personnel to use the 2007 NIH Asthma Guidelines and best practice care and management of their asthma patients.

Contact Name: 
Camille Tumolo
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
Resource Category: 
Literacy Level: 
Target Audience: 

Asthma Guidelines for Schools

The Asthma Guidelines for Schools is a comprehensive guide for school health personnel.

The Asthma Guidelines for Schools was written in response to many requests made by school nurses to the Arizona Asthma Coalition.  School nurses are overwhlemed by the number of school children with asthma and requested a comprehensive guide.  They asked that the guide have information appropriate for other health office and non-health personne, who have to deal with children with asthma when the school nurse is out of the building or otherwise unavailabe.

Contact Name: 
Camille Tumolo
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
Resource Category: 
Resource Type: 
Literacy Level: 

Indoor Air Quality Home Checklist

A colorful one-page checklist of the most common sources and types of indoor air pollution and the simple, no or low-cost strategies for reducing exposure.

A colorful one-page checklist of the most common sources and types of indoor air pollution and the simple, no or low-cost strategies for reducing exposure.

We developed this resource because many of the other in-home trigger and air quality check lists may be too long, cumbersome, and seem too involved to be effective.  We included colorful pictures to make the checklist more appealing when distributing at tabling events, health fairs, etc.

Contact Name: 
Sean McCormick
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
2155674004 X103
Literacy Level: 
