Community Health Worker

Smokefree Policies in Multi-Unit Housing: Steps for Success

Smokefree Policies in Multi-Unit Housing: Steps for Success is a free online curriculum designed to give property managers, residents and public health advocates the knowledge and skills they need to enact smokefree air policies in multi-unit housing properties such as apartments and condomiums across the nation.


Contact Name: 
Jessica Lazar, MALS, Manager, Online Health Education
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Bleach Exposure in Child Care Settings: Strategies for Elimination or Reduction Report

The report establishes recommendations for bleach-free sanitizers and disinfectants that are safer for asthma; and recommendations regarding safer practices for using bleach. The goal of these recommendations and suggestions--which include specific training needs for management, staff and parents--is to encourage the sustainability of best practices while protecting the health of child care workers and the children served.

In California, child care facilities must comply with California Child Care Licensing (CCL) regulations for sanitizing and disinfecting in order to maintain infection control. Bleach, a cost-effective multipurpose product, is widely used to meet CCL requirements. However, bleach is known to exacerbate asthma, and according to the State's Work-Related Asthma Program, exposure to bleach has been associated with new asthma cases. Therefore, starting in 2008, the San Francisco Asthma Task Force conducted a grant-funded* pilot project to identify methods for infection control practices that eliminate or reduce child care operator exposure to bleach. 

Based on the findings of the project, the Task Force has established recommendations for bleach-free sanitizers and disinfectants that are safer for asthma; and recommendations regarding safer practices for using bleach. The goal of these recommendations and suggestions--which include specific training needs for management, staff and parents--is to encourage the sustainability of best practices while protecting the health of child care workers and the children served. 

*Funding was provided by San Francisco Foundation, Regional Asthma Management & Prevention, a private donor, and the San Francisco Public Health Foundation.

Contact Name: 
Luz Agana
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Literacy Level: 

Economic Value of Home-Based, Multi-Trigger, Multi-component Interventions with an Environmental Focus for Reducing Asthma Morbidity

This review identifies economic values of home-based, multi-trigger, multi-component interventions with an environmental focus and presents ranges for the main economic outcomes (e.g., program costs, benefit-cost ratios and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios).

This review identifies economic values of home-based, multi-trigger, multi-component interventions with an environmental focus and presents ranges for the main economic outcomes (e.g., program costs, benefit-cost ratios and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios). A previous review concluded that these interventions were effective in reducing asthma morbidity among children and adolescents. Of the 1,551 studies identified for inclusion in the review, 13 were selected. Each of these had program costs ranging from $231-$14,858 per participant per year.  This range was affected by completeness of their program cost data, level of intensity of the environmental remediation, the type of educational component included, the professional status of the home visitor and the frequency of visits by the home visitor. The study ultimately found that the benefits from these kinds of interventions can "match or even exceed their program costs" and that "these programs provide a good value for dollars spent on the interventions."

Contact Name: 
Brandy Angell
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Literacy Level: 
