Who We Are
Join today and become a partner in building and maintaining AsthmaCommunityNetwork.org. This online Network is designed for community-based asthma programs and organizations that sponsor them—including representatives of health plans and providers, government health and environmental agencies, nonprofits, coalitions, schools and more. The Network is supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in partnership with Allies Against Asthma, a program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Merck Childhood Asthma Network, Inc. (MCAN), a nonprofit organization funded by the Merck Company Foundation.
Community-based asthma programs in this national Network are helping each other to achieve remarkable health and quality of life improvements for people with asthma. This interactive Network will introduce you to effective strategies that are key to achieving positive health outcomes.
Members in this Network have real-time access to other registered programs and their best practices; cutting-edge Internet tools to facilitate collaboration, problem solving, and learning between leaders of asthma programs; and the most current strategies for making your program a thriving and comprehensive asthma management resource. Benefits for member programs include:
- Learning from and networking with asthma programs nationwide
- Locating and teaming with mentors to assist with program activities
- Highlighting your program’s activities with your own program profile page
- Posting and finding local, regional and national events
- Receiving national asthma awards and recognition
Become part of this interactive Network to help lead asthma care in the U.S. The Network is offered at no cost and open to all communities across the nation committed to helping people with asthma live the healthy and active lives they deserve. To register and get started, click here.