
CHAMPS Intervention

Last updated: 4 Nov 2024


Community Healthcare for Asthma Management and Prevention of Symptoms (CHAMPS) is a family-centered, patient-tailored, evidence-based, pediatric asthma intervention. The CHAMPS intervention combines asthma counseling and in-home mitigation of environmental triggers for children with poorly controlled or moderate-to-severe asthma in primary care settings.



Champs logo. The CHAMPS intervention began as a research study conducted in three Federally Qualified Health Centers to assess whether evidence-based interventions for asthma could be successfully replicated in the health center setting. The CHAMPS intervention demonstrated marked improvement in the control of patient’s asthma, an increase in patient and caregiver’s awareness and understanding of asthma, and a reduction in asthma-related visits to urgent care and emergency departments.

The CHAMPS intervention is effective for—and can be tailored to fit—any practice or patient population where pediatric asthma is common. The CHAMPS intervention can be phased in over time, starting with a smaller population of eligible children served by a particular care team or site. Use this checklist to find out if the CHAMPS intervention will be effective and feasible for your practice.

The information and tools available in each section below, the Manual, and the CHAMPS e-Learning Videos are based on evidence from a diverse set of health centers with differing patient populations and resources. They are designed to help each practice discover the best path to successful implementation of the intervention. Explore these resources to learn more about how you can implement the CHAMPS intervention in your health center or practice.

Learn more about CHAMPS program in this brief e-Learning video or use the links below to continue reading about CHAMPS.

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