
Value Proposition

Last updated: 5 Nov 2024


A Value Proposition can help tell a powerful story about your program.


Understanding the Key Components

Question: What's an effective way of talking about your program's impact and to obtain funding?

Answer: By describing your program's financial value - using real program costs and health care savings.

--Steve Conti, Director of Disease Management, Seton Asthma Center



Click each topic to learn more about the components of a value proposition or view the complete package. As you learn about the components, create your own Value Proposition.


Preparing for Reimbursement

Creating your Value Proposition can help prepare you for 
reimbursement as well as new funding streams. Visit the resources 
below to learn more about the future of reimbursement.

Help Center

View other resources to support your Value Proposition.

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Our Newest Program: Kentucky Asthma Management Program

Total Programs in Action: 1101
Total Members in Action: 5144