In 2005, a local hospital and community partners applied the principles of community- based participatory research to develop the Washington Heights Inwood Network (WIN) for Asthma. This comprehensive program is designed to facilitate effective and sustainable asthma management in Northern Manhattan, a community with childhood asthma rates that are four times the national average. WIN is a multi-level, community-driven program that enhances case identification and follow-up for children. Through collaboration with key partners, including local day care centers, schools, clinics and community-based organizations, WIN provides community-wide asthma screening and education. Once families are enrolled in the program, bilingual community health workers offer family-focused asthma education, address household triggers, and link families to the clinical and social resources needed to facilitate effective and sustainable asthma management. By engaging and supporting local providers through the delivery of the evidence-based intervention, Physician Asthma Care Education (PACE), WIN works to ensure providers adhere to the latest asthma guidelines, resulting in improved quality of care. Through a partnership with the National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality, WIN developed a comprehensive protocol for post-PACE provider support involving practice-based support. Through collaboration with multiple hospital divisions, the launch of a grassroots marketing campaign, and the development of a long-term business plan, WIN has worked to increase its visibility and successfully sustain its program. WIN’s program success is demonstrated in data collected from Community Health Workers (CHWs): Over a 3-year period, the number of asthma related emergency department visits and hospitalizations decreased by more than 50 percent; caregivers’ confidence in controlling their children’s asthma increased by 40 percent; and asthma-related school absenteeism decreased by 30 percent.

Gina McCarthy, then Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, U.S. EPA, and Mike Flynn, Director, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, U.S. EPA, present Award to (from left to right) Robyn Scherer, Patricia Peretz and Dr. Luz Adriana Matiz of WIN for Asthma, New York Presbyterian Hospital

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