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Join us in Celebrating World Asthma Day!!!!!!!!!

  • Posted on: 13 May 2013
  • By: is celebrating World Asthma Day by offering patient education for Asthma and COPD patients and CRCE courses for Respiratory Therapists. Download Free App - Assist Me with Inhalers from our website Distribute free handouts on patient instructions inhaler technique guide Improving the standards of patient education by using these interactive teaching tools can help you save your time and encourage patient participation for better treatment outcome


  • Posted on: 6 May 2013
  • By: PACNJ
Happy Nurses Day to all of the wonderful and caring nurses making a difference out there each and every day! We appreciate you!!

U.S. EPA Region 5 Asthma Awareness Poster Contest

  • Posted on: 3 April 2013
  • By: Monica P.
The U.S. EPA R5 is celebrating Asthma Awareness month this May by inviting students in the 3rd-8th grades from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin to participate in a poster contest. This is a great way for all kids to learn about asthma all the while having fun creating an artistic poster! The contest is currently open. The DEADLINE is MAY 10.