St. Louis County Community Based Asthma Care

6121 North Hanley Road
63134 Berkeley , MO
The Healthy Homes Program provides education materials to caregivers and persons with asthma on the management of indoor asthma triggers. We provide in-home consultations and in-home assessments as an element of the education process. In addition, classroom training is provided to healthcare professionals, including school district staff, on the management of indoor asthma triggers.

The Healthy Homes Program addresses multiple childhood diseases and injuries in the home. environmental hazards include mold, lead, allergens, asthma, carbon monoxide, home safety, pesticides, and radon.  We take a holistic approach to these activities by focusing on housing-related hazards in a coordinated fashion.  Some of St. Louis County Department of Health's highest priorities include lead poisoning prevention, reducing asthma triggers, and safety in the home environment. 

We Offer:

Individual Family Consultation Services on asthma management methods to include the control of indoor environmental asthma triggers.

in-home environmental assessments to identify family-actionable items to reduce asthma triggers.

Group training and education for parents/caregivers.

We provide in-home assessments and resources to improve the home health environment.