Deadline for American Lung Association's 2013 AFSI Champion Awards is June 15th

  • Posted on: 3 June 2013
  • By: barbara.kaplan@...


I am excited to report that we have started to receive applications for the 2013 American Lung Association Asthma-Friendly Schools (AFSI) Champion Awards. Thank you for your promoting the awards in your community. This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for the applications is quickly approaching on June 15th.

It is our goal with the American Lung Association AFSI Champion Awards to recognize schools that are doing all they can to help the over 7 million children with asthma in the United Stated. By supporting a comprehensive approach to asthma management, we hope to reduce the over 10 million lost schools days attributed to this chronic disease.

Help get schools recognized for implementing asthma-friendly schools strategies! Information about the awards, the application form, and instructions for submitting the application can be found at Please share the 2013 Asthma-Friendly Schools Initiative (AFSI) Champion Awards page with schools in your community.

Thank you!