In Asthma the system is filled with waste matter and mucus. Asthma is characterized by labored
breathing (dyspnea), wheezing with dry and painful coughing which is often due to an extreme
irritation of the mucous membranes in the nasal passages or bronchial tubes. The symptoms are
accompanied by constriction of the chest (bronchiolar spasm) and expectoration of mucus
(mucoid sputum). Acute Asthma can be controled with centain types of home made remedies.
Onion/Garlic/Olive Oil soup. This is a very healthy diet soup recipe for treatment of asthma and other respiratory disorders.
it can also be used as a detoxification remedy ( it cleans the colon).
Asparagus and horseradish sauce helps treat asthma. it eliminates mucus off the lungs, it also works well in respiratory ailments related to allergies, such as hayfever.
This remedy can also be very effective in treating bacterial infection pneumonia and bronchial asthma.
Fruit Shaker. Is s delicious fruit smoothies recipe for treating asthma and walking pneumonia. it contains cantalope, oranges, lemons, mandarines, grapefruits, apples, kiwis, flaxseed oil and olive oil. a powerfull recipe that can treat any type of asthma or respiratory disorder. ( make and drink the Fruit Shaker daily and you will notice a reduction in asthma attacks or chest pain.)
source: asthmaHerbs