New Research Report and Policy Brief on Barriers to Asthma Management for Low Income Families

  • Posted on: 9 May 2014
  • By: Judy Berman

In collaboration with Children's National Health System's IMPACT DC Asthma Clinic, and funded by the Kellogg Foundation, the Urban Institute and DC Appleseed conducted research and wrote two complementary reports.  The first, by Urban Institute is a research report, based on a series of interviews and focus groups, that aims to contribute to our understanding of why many low-income families in DC struggle to keep their children's asthma under control.  The second, a policy brief by DC Appleseed, a non-profit research and advocacy organization, identifies a number of policies across a range of issues -- including housing, workplace, Medicaid, disability law, schools and the environment -- which together can significantly impact the success of low-income families in managing childhood asthma.