Texas Asthma Control Program

1100 W. 49th Street
MC 1945
Austin, TX 78756
United States

Program Type:


Population Served:

  • White
  • African American
  • Hispanic

Area Served:

  • Urban
  • Suburban
  • Rural
  • Low-Income
Year Established:


Karin Hopkins
(512) 776-2710
The TACP Mission is to reduce the severity of asthma symptoms, decrease preventable asthma morbidity, decrease the number of emergency department hospital visits and deaths due to asthma in Texas, and improve the quality of life for Texans living with asthma.


The TACP is located within the Chronic Disease Branch, Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Section at the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). In collaboration with other state organizations and community partners, the TACP strives to improve the quality of life for Texans living with asthma. Activities include conducting asthma surveillance, supporting and promoting state and local partnerships, promoting policies that address and improve asthma outcomes, funding effective interventions that increase asthma self-management and reduce the burden of asthma in Texas, and evaluating activities to guide the use of program resources and interventions.

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Total Programs in Action: 1101
Total Members in Action: 5144