The child care environment is vitally important to the healthy development of millions of young children who receive care outside their homes.  Along with creating a safe, nurturing, and stimulating child care program, protecting children from exposure to indoor environmental contaminants is critical to advancing the core goals of early care and education.  Children are not simply “little adults” when it comes to environmental exposures – they may be more highly exposed to pollutants and more vulnerable to their effects.

This report, prepared by the Environmental Law Institute and the Children’s Environmental Health Network, provides an overview of how state policy addresses indoor environmental exposures in the child care setting.  While there has been considerable progress in establishing policies to address key indoor contaminants, there is ample room for strengthening state laws, regulations, and non-regulatory initiatives.  The report describes the state of state policy today and highlights notable examples to assist policymakers, agency officials, non-governmental organizations and associations, and others who work to advance quality child care and promote children’s health.

The report includes the following chapters:

  • Introduction
  • Environmental Tobacco Smoke
  • Radon
  • Carbon Monoxide Alarms
  • Mold and Dampness
  • Building Ventilation and Temperature
  • Pesticides
  • Lead-Based Paint
  • Asbestos
  • Other Chemical Exposures: Cleaning, Renovation, and Consumer Products
  • Facility Site/Location
  • State Non-Regulatory Initiatives: Education, Assistance, and Incentives
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix: Where to Find State Statutes and Regulations Online

To learn more and download the full report visit:

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