AAM 2015 Welcome Block

  • Posted on: 10 March 2015
  • By: SCG_Ric

Celebrate Asthma Awareness Month!

This May, thousands of organizations across the United States join together for Asthma Awareness Month (AAM) in an effort to increase public awareness and improve the lives of people with asthma. AsthmaCommunityNetwork.org is your source for resources to plan and promote your program's AAM activities and events. Use EPA's AAM Event Planning Kit to create events in your community. Connect with other Programs to collaborate on activities. Then invite others to join your events by adding them to the Events Calendar. Find additional resources such as webinars and podcasts as well as other tools and outreach materials that support asthma programs in your community.

Use this new button code to promote Asthma Awareness Month on your website and in your outreach materials! If you need assistance adding this button to your website, please contact us.