Sponsoring Program

Introducing the Wisconsin Asthma Plan, 2015-2020, a blueprint for addressing asthma in Wisconsin for the next five years. This plan represents the best efforts of Wisconsin Asthma Coalition's (WAC) leadership and members to develop a strategic plan to reduce the burden of asthma as a public health problem in Wisconsin.

The WAC has made great strides in improving asthma management since the release of the Wisconsin Asthma Plan 2003, but the burden of disease and its disproportionate impact remains a priority. The intent of the Wisconsin Asthma Plan, 2015-2020 is to focus activities on disparately impacted populations in Wisconsin.

The Wisconsin Asthma Plan 2015-2020 is divided into four priority areas that are in direct alignment with the four components of care outlined in the NIH asthma guidelines. The four priority areas include:

  • Routine health care
  • Pharmaceutical care
  • Education
  • Environment

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