Are you a 13-18 year old with asthma?
In the past year have you also:
- Used prescription asthma medicine?
- Had some trouble controlling your asthma?
If so, we have an opportunity for you!
3C Institute is looking for 20 teens with asthma to test CampAir, an online program to help them learn how to manage and improve their asthma, and to tell us what they think about this online program.
If you are eligible and chosen to be in the project, you’ll be asked to:
- Use the online program to test one module per week for 7 weeks.
- Complete a daily asthma checklist either online, or using a smart phone app
- Complete online surveys after completing each module.
If you review all 7 modules, you will receive $210 ($30 for each).
If you are interested in being in this study, ask your parent or guardian to go to
to complete a form with you to see if you are eligible, and to complete a parent permission form.
If you or your parents have any questions about the research project or being in it, please contact Kelly Kocher, Research Assistant, by phone (919) 677-0102 extension 513 or email
Deadline for applications is May 21, 2016