Moderator: Tracey Mitchell, RRT, AE-C, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Nichole Shepard, M.P.H., EP-C, Asthma & Healthy Aging Program Manager, Utah Department of Health, Brian Roach, Assistant Director, Division of Medicaid and Health Financing, Utah Department of Health, Andrea M. Jensen, CHES®, AE-C, Asthma Program Coordinator, Utah County Health Department
Learn how the Utah Department of Health Asthma Program—
Expanded the reach, effectiveness and sustainability of comprehensive asthma control services in Utah.
Developed partnerships and a screening protocol to address high-risk clients’ social, mental, physical and emotional needs to help control their asthma.
Established a home-visiting program shown to improve asthma outcomes, including a 75 percent reduction in asthma-related emergency department visits.
Worked with payers to seek sustainable financing for the Utah Asthma Home Visiting Program, which included conducting a return-on-investment analysis that secured additional funding to expand the program to Medicaid members in rural fee-for-service areas.

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