Montana Asthma Control Program Strategic Evaluation Plan

Evaluation is a significant part of assessing whether the Montana Asthma Control Program is reaching its goals. This 5 year strategic evaluation plan is a roadmap assessing the direction, feasibility, and significance of the projected projects and associated objectives.  Evaluation results will be used to feed information back into our initiatives about what is and is not working so
that changes can be made to improve outcomes and guide program development. The following plan includes information on specific activities that will be evaluated using the chosen evaluation design and timeline, as well as a communication plan to relay information on evaluation and outcomes of the evaluation. This is a living document that will be enhanced and updated annually to fit the growing needs of the MACP and its partners. As new projects are implemented, individual evaluation plans will be created to assess each major project. All MACP staff will remain involved in producing new individual plans and updating the strategic plan. MACP partners will also play an integral role in designing and implementing individual evaluation plans and updating the strategic plan as needed.

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