Physician Asthma Care Education (PACE) Webinar: Save the Date

  • Posted on: 23 March 2011
  • By: gmayman

What: Physician Asthma Care Education (PACE) Webinar

Why: To learn how PACE can help you improve therapeutic techniques, master asthma counseling reimbursement, and interact better with your patients, without adding time to your busy schedule.

Who: For primary care providers and others who care for patients who have asthma.

When: Wednesday, April 27, 2011, 1 to 2 p.m. ET

How: Register and learn more about the PACE webinar >>

PACE works!  PACE is an interactive, multi-media educational seminar with practical communication and therapeutic techniques for asthma care that require no more time than the usual office visit. PACE is highly effective as shown in two rigorous studies, one supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the other by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Patients of PACE-trained physicians (compared with physicians not exposed to PACE) had:

  •  fewer days affected by asthma symptoms
  •  fewer emergency room visits

PACE has new, expanded features. Highlights include six guidelines-based priority messages that every physician should know, and useful coding and reimbursement strategies for asthma education and counseling.

Register below. Join us for this informative one-hour webinar presented by the creators of PACE and learn how you can use this successful program in your practice and in your local community. 


  1. Why PACE Matters: Noreen M. Clark, PhD, Myron E. Wegman Distinguished University Professor; Director of the Center for Managing Chronic Disease, University of Michigan
  2. How PACE Works: Dr. Michael Cabana, MD, Adjunct Associate Professor, Health Behavior and Health Education and Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Director, Division of General Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco
  3. Bringing PACE Home: Randall Brown, MD, MPH, Adjunct Associate Professor, Health Behavior and Health Education and Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Pulmonology, Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Wayne State University
  4. Audience Questions and Answers

Register and learn more about the PACE webinar >>

For additional information, please contact Gillian Mayman at