Girl Scouts Earn Asthma Awareness Badge: A Community Success Story

  • Posted on: 11 May 2011
  • By: Heidi LeSane

Girl Scouts are taught to be friendly and helpful, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout. Members of Girl Scout Troop 392 in Stockbridge, GA exemplified these principles at an Asthma Awareness Month Kick-Off event in early May while providing asthma awareness training to their younger “sister scouts”.

At the event, Juniors (4th – 5th graders) and Cadettes (6th – 8th graders) defined asthma; described what asthma feels like; and, identified asthma triggers for Daisy Scouts (K- 1st graders) from troop 21450 of nearby Lithonia, GA. 

Additionally, three of the girls from Troop 392 who have asthma, brought their nebulizers and medications to demonstrate how they work. The girls then reviewed the American Lung Association’s ‘A is for Asthma’ by Elmo and ended the day with a DUSTY the Goldfish Bingo game to reinforce their lessons. For completing the training, Troop 392 participants received an Asthma Awareness Badge to wear on the back of their vest or sash as a fun patch.

The day was fun and educational plus a great way to raise asthma awareness! What are you doing to celebrate Asthma Awareness Month?