The APS Asthma Program offers support to students with asthma by partnering with school nurses to provide intensive case management and asthma management education.
The APS Asthma Program has been funded by the CDC since 2003. The APS Asthma Program offers support to students with asthma by partnering with school nurses to provide intensive case management and asthma management education.
Activities include:
- Ensuring that school nurses are equipped to care for students with asthma
- Providing basic asthma information to all APS staff who work with students
- Coordinating and supporting school nurses to provide asthma management education to students with asthma. In the elementary schools, school nurses implement the American Lung Association's Open Airways program. The APS Asthma Program is currently piloting an individualized asthma management booster program in 10 middle schools and the APS Asthma Program is working to develop a Facebook page for high school students
- Working with schools to reduce asthma triggers and ensure indoor air quality
- Partnering with and supporting other regional asthma initiatives, including participation in the local New Mexico Council on Asthma.