The primary goal of the HUD funded Healthy Homes program is to decrease exposures to multiple household hazards which contribute to asthma exacerbations and other serious illnesses among children under the age of 6 in Portland''s distressed communities of Multnomah County. A secondary goal is to implement sustainable healthy homes concepts at the programmatic and policy level. These goals will be achieved through: * Mobilizing new and existing public and private resources with a holistic approach to accomplish Healthy Homes Objectives; * Fostering cooperation among low-income residents, health care systems, all levels of government, the private sector (profit and non-profit), neighborhood groups, faith-based organizations, and environmental justice groups; * Developing relationships with low-income homeowners, renters, property mangers and owners to improve housing through assessment, education, and remediation of physical/structural EH Hazards. The program will work with eligible families in multiple types of home environments including: affordable housing, single family home, market rate apartments and multi-family complexes. The program integrates in-home case management activities and targeted community-based education and outreach to promote sustainability of healthy home concepts.