The Virtual School Walkthrough Webinar 2.0: Responding to Common IAQ Issues and Concerns

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The Virtual School Walkthrough Webinar 2.0: Responding to Common IAQ Issues and Concerns
(January 26, 2012)

This Webinar investigated how IAQ management teams can effectively respond to issues/concerns, and communicate IAQ assessment findings to the school community. Tips and techniques on properly using common instruments, data collection and interpretation, and effectively reporting results were discussed. IAQ assessment experts Richard Prill (Building Science and IAQ Specialist at Washington State University) and David Blake (Environmental Specialist at the Northwest Clean Air Agency) presented.

Listen to the Webinar (MP3) (MP3, 01:29:32, 15.7 M) | Read the Transcript (PDF) (40 pp., 220 K| Use the Slideshow (PDF) (24 pp., 7.3 M) | Read the Questions and Answers (PDF) (6 pp., 163 K)

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