Easy Breathing of Connecticut Children's Medical Center

282 Washington St
Hartford, CT 06106
United States

Program Type:


Population Served:

  • White
  • African American
  • Hispanic
  • Other

Area Served:

  • Urban
  • Suburban
  • Rural
  • Low-Income
  • Minority
Year Established:


Jessica Hollenbach
(860) 837-5333
Easy Breathing© is an asthma management program designed to assist primary care clinicians in making a diagnosis of asthma and in treating individuals with asthma using a systematic, standardized, approach that both adheres to the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) guidelines and is easily used by busy practitioners. Five key features distinguish the Easy Breathing Program. Easy Breathing: 1. simplifies national asthma guidelines with 5 easy-to-use tools and increases adherence to these guidelines.2. offers a database that allows study of program outcomes, including environmental exposures, interventions and feedback for clinicians.3. reduces medical services utilization and is cost effective.4. is approved by the American Board of Pediatrics for Maintenance of Certification, Part 4 Quality Improvement.

One in eight children living in Connecticut has asthma. Many children have asthma but are under diagnosed and under treated. The Easy Breathing© Program helps to diagnose and treat asthma in children.

The goal of Easy Breathing is to improve the health of children with asthma and decrease unnecessary medical services utilization and school absences due to asthma.  A user-friendly and evidence-based program, Easy Breathing uses a set of tools to improve recognition of asthma, classification of asthma severity and asthma treatment. Easy Breathing adheres to the 2007 National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Guidelines and translates them into a standardized approach to managing asthma.  

Easy Breathing has screened more than 125,000 individuals in Connecticut.  As a result more than 35,000 individuals receive appropriate asthma therapy. People enrolled in Easy Breathing© experience decreased emergency room visits, hospitalizations and urgent outpatient visits for asthma. These decreases translate into improved care and sustained cost-savings to Medicaid for children with asthma.

Connecticut Children’s Asthma Center provides the tools and training that primary care practices need to administer Easy Breathing. Through onsite and web-based training by Connecticut Children’s staff, primary care providers can learn how to provide better asthma care to children. For training or to learn more about the Easy Breathing program, contact Jessica Hollenbach, PhD, 860.837.5333.



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