Check This Out!

  • Posted on: 11 September 2012
  • By: PACNJ

No one needs another thing to think about when it’s time to get your kids ready to go back to school. With all of the shopping for new clothes and supplies, it’s easy to forget to have your child’s Asthma Treatment Plan updated for the new school year.

Why is it important? Because healthy kids learn better and when the school nurse knows your child has asthma, she/he can help your child stay well. A written Asthma Treatment Plan helps. Your child’s written Asthma Treatment Plan tells the school nurse:

What medicine your child takes and when\
What to do if your child’s asthma is getting worse
What to do if your child is having an asthma emergency
What things trigger your child’s asthma – like dust, mold, pets, odors
And more!

PACNJ is proud to present our new, updated Asthma Treatment Plan designed especially for students! The PACNJ Student Asthma Treatment Plan is designed to help everyone understand the steps necessary for the student to achieve the goal of well-controlled asthma.

For more information and free asthma resources, visit our website at