The Power of One

  • Posted on: 25 October 2012
  • By: asgarcia_pharmd


I have been to conferences, seminars, symposiums, and coalition
meetings across the country seeking opportunities for professional development
and networking. I have attended interdisciplinary workshops, strengths-based
learning sessions, and gained amazing information over the years. That being
said, there has never (NEVER) been a meeting where I felt so engaged and
connected for a unified purpose. I cannot wait to get back to work (seriously –
I’m laughing as I type this) to bring my experiences and share this information
with my consortium and community. Ask yourself this….when was the last time you
KNEW you could make a difference as just one person? Well… this was that time.

If you missed the ACCP 14th Annual Community Asthma
and COPD Coalition Symposium, you need to watch the webinars, learn the
strategies for success from key players in coalitions from across the country,
and transform how you do what you do. This was masterfully facilitated by
Tracey Mitchell, EPA in Washington DC, and has been one of the most powerful
experiences I have had in professional practice in terms of what I gained as
tangible tools, systems that work, access to resources and the ability to plan
and move a project forward successfully. This was a symposium of fervent
people, and I am ever grateful that I was able to share my own passion for working
with children (and their families/communities), who are challenged by their ability
to successfully manage their asthma. The networking was incredible, and I’ve already
started my ‘I Can’t Wait to Get Started on This’ list, and hope that I can give
back a fraction of what I gained while in Atlanta!

I can't give a positive answer about when I knew I made a difference as one person. I can of course say that I HOPE I've made a difference. When I am explaining something to a patient, for instance yesterday, explaining in basic terms the relationship between the pancreas and liver and metformin to a patient. Yesterday, I informed my patient and her husband about her diagnosis and I saw the moment that "they got it". Her husband who had been diagnosed several years before told me "nobody has ever explained that to me before- they just said here is your medicine". I would like to think that that I made a difference at that moment.

I did not attend the conference that you are referring to but it sounds fantastic! Your enthusiasm is contagious and I would love to hear about the tangible tools you learned about. I will have to research to find information on your conference. Good luck on your list!


The Coalitions Symposium was a remarkable learning and networking experience that was expertly facilitated by Tracy Enger of EPA.