California Asthma Financing: Informational Webinar Social Impact Bonds and Pay for Success Models

29 March 2017
Mariela Lopez, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Brenda Yamashita, Alameda County Public Health Department; Kevin Hamilton, Fresno AIM;

This webinar discusses options for sustainably financing in-home asthma care services and provides examples from multiple programs working with Pay for Success models and other braided funding approaches.

Presentation PowerPoint: 
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What's Up with the Atmosphere? book and video- Making Connections in STEM and STEAM using Blended Instruction

  • Posted on: 27 January 2017
  • By: New Health Options
*Watch Gault Elementary 4th graders be mezmerized by Science, use Math in daily practice, breath more deeply by working on problems in teams, and hear how Principal Albion responded to combining Music with Math and the other components of STEM. Could integrated education make school cool to an asthma sufferer and safer too?

What's Up with the Atmosphere? book and video- Making Connections in STEM and STEAM using Blended Instruction

  • Posted on: 27 January 2017
  • By: New Health Options
*Do you want other kids to be kinder to your child who suffers from Asthma?- Explore the subject covertly by reading this GLOBE Elementary storybook or seeing the attached video. *Can vocabulary building help children to be more compassionate and get new rewards from school?- watch it. *Ever wonder how tough subjects can be relevant and relevant to kids and help them to focus. *Watch Gault Elementary 4th graders be mezmerized by Science, use Math in daily practice, breath more deeply by working on problems in teams, and hear how Principal Albion responded to combining Music with Math and the other components of STEM.
