It’s a Great Day to be a CHAMP

  • Posted on: 8 June 2015
  • By: susan steppe
Susan Steppe, the Project Director of CHAMP, discusses winning the 2015 National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management and her program's work to serve a subset of asthma patients, focusing on children who are most at risk for multiple or severe asthma exacerbations that would result in unplanned medical encounters in the emergency department or hospital.

Recent Advances in Asthma Genetics and Antiasthma Therapy

Asthma is a pathophysiological condition associated with eosinophilia and heightened inflammatory reactions, epithelial desquamation, hyper responsiveness, recurring episodes of reversible broncho-constriction, and mucus hyper secretion from the respiratory organs. Asthma interludes can be triggered by a variety of factors most notably allergens, infectious agents, pollutants, and nonspecific stimuli such as exercise, nutritional factors and emotional stress. Certain genes and their polymorphism may also have effects in the initiation and progression of asthma.
