The mission ofA.I.R. NYC is to improve the quality of life of asthmatic children and adults, helping families break the revolving cycle of poverty that is worsened by chronic disease. "A.I.R." stands for Asthma Intervention and Relief. We aim to help asthmatic children and adults stay healthy, active, and out of the hospital. Several areas of New York City, including Harlem, the Bronx, and Central Brooklyn, have some of the highest rates of asthma in the United States. Children with poorly controlled asthma often miss school, visit the emergency department, or become hospitalized. Adults with asthma also face serious challenges and are diagnosed at similarly alarming rates. Missed work days and complications with other chronic conditions have complex and adverse effects. Amounting to much more than inconveniences, these traumatic and sometimes life-threatening experiences interfere with the quality of life of the whole family. When caregivers are forced to miss work in order to care for sick children or an adult family member with asthma loses a job, socio-economic hardship is worsened. The good news is that asthma can be well-controlled. No child should miss school because of asthma. And no adult should miss work or remain at high-risk for chronic disease complications.
A.I.R. NYC employs an evidence-based model to help families control asthma and maintain healthy, active lives. Our staff members work closely with families, schools, community-based organizations, and healthcare providers to coordinate control efforts for maximum impact. After 12-months in our program, participants have a 64% decrease in emergency department visits, an 81% decrease in hospitalizations, and a 61% decrease in absences due to asthma. To find out more, please visit: www.air-nyc.org.