Arizona Department of Environmental Quality-Office of Children's Environmental Health

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
1110 W Washington St
Phoenix, AZ 85007
United States

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Julie Finke
One of the most important things we can do to protect our children's future is make sure they grow up in a healthy natural environment. Because children are especially vulnerable to the unhealthy effects of pollution, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality has initiated the Children's Environmental Health Project to integrate children's health concerns into our state's environmental protection efforts.


In response to this directive, ADEQ is implementing a four-step "C.A.R.E. strategy" to address environmental health risks to Arizona children. Through Coordination, Assessment, Reduction and Education, ADEQ and its many partners are charting a course toward a cleaner, safer, healthier environment for our children. 

Coordinate the many interests involved with children's environmental health issues. 

Assess and prioritize the environmental health factors affecting Arizona children. 

Reduce the number and types of contaminants adversely affecting Arizona's children. 

Educate citizens about environmental hazards and how to reduce children's exposure.

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