"Asthma App for Patients and Loved Ones - myRabble"

477 Canyon Vista Drive
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
United States

Program Type:

Coalition, Community, Government, Health Plan, Healthcare Provider, Non-profit, School, Other

Population Served:

  • White
  • African American
  • Hispanic
  • Native American
  • Other

Area Served:

  • Urban
  • Suburban
  • Rural
  • Low-Income
  • Minority
Year Established:


Aubrey Kelly
‪+1 (805) 601-7483‬
myRabble Patient App: Empowering Asthma Patients Through Self-Management

myRabble Patient App: Empowering Asthma Patients Through Self-Management

The patient app, myRabble, recently launched its Asthma Patient and Caregiver module. This patient-led and co-created app is designed to help individuals with moderate to severe asthma take control of their condition. It offers a range of features that promote patient education, self-monitoring, and integration into provider referral networks.

Key Features:

Symptom and Trigger Tracking:
Patients can log symptoms and triggers, with dashboards that reveal health patterns and trends.

Education and Decision Support:
Tailored educational content and AI-driven alerts enable proactive health management.

Personalized Action Plans:
Users can create and update customized asthma plans that align with their symptoms, triggers, and treatment goals.

Community and Motivation:
In-app forums foster connections among users, while gamification elements and practical tips keep them engaged and motivated.

Provider Integration:
Providers can promote the app as an integral part of their workflow by becoming myRabble Service Partners. This allows them to connect with more patients and utilize patient-reported data to enhance care.


  • Empowers patients to manage asthma with confidence.
  • Improves quality of life through better symptom control.
  • Expands provider reach by facilitating patient engagement.
  • Enhances advocacy services by providing an additional outreach channel.
  • Facilitates proactive self-management for better health outcomes.

The myRabble patient support app revolutionizes asthma care by fostering collaboration between patients and providers to achieve optimal health outcomes.

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Total Programs in Action: 1101
Total Members in Action: 5144