Posted on: 14 May 2014 By: barbara.kaplan…


The American Lung Association has started to receive interest in the 2014 American Lung Association Asthma-Friendly Schools (AFSI) Champion Awards. Thank you for your promoting the awards to schools and schools districts in your community. This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for the applications is quickly approaching on Monday, June 16th.

The American Lung Association AFSI Champion Awards is recognizing schools that are doing all they can to help create healthy learning environments to protect the 7.1 million children with asthma in the United States. By supporting a comprehensive approach to asthma management, we hope to reduce more than 10 million lost schools days attributed to asthma annually.

Help get schools recognized for implementing asthma-friendly schools strategies! Information about the awards, the application form, and instructions for submitting the application can be found at Please share the 2014 Asthma-Friendly Schools Initiative (AFSI) Champion Awards page with schools and school districts in your community. Attached is a flyer that you can download and use to help promote the awards program. Participate in our upcoming briefing about the awards program and the application process.

Click here to Register today!

AFSI Champion Awards Briefing on
Thursday, May 28, 2014
at 3:30 p.m. [Eastern Time].

Register today and learn more about how to apply to become an Asthma-Friendly School Initiative Champion Awards winning school or school district. This webinar is ideal for individuals who will be submitting the application on behalf of the school or school district, including: school administrators at the local and district level, school nurses, teachers, coaches or other asthma champions in the school. The Awards program recognizes schools that have established a comprehensive asthma management plan that meets the strategies outlined in the Asthma-Friendly Schools Initiative, including maximizing health services, providing asthma education, creating a healthy learning environment, and ensuring the participation of physical education and activities for students with asthma when they are able. AFSI Champion Award winning schools and school districts will be announced in August.

Thank you!

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