Posted on: 18 July 2013 By: Laurie Ross

Do you – or someone in your family – use a corticosteroid nasal spray? If so, Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics wants to know about your experience. 

As the leading patient education nonprofit for people with allergies, asthma and anaphylaxis, AANMA will testify at an FDA public hearing on July 31 regarding one company’s application to make their corticosteroid nasal spray available to consumers without a prescription – and your feedback will shape our presentation.

The more data we collect, the more effective we can be. 

If you use a corticosteroid nasal spray – or are primary caregiver for someone one who uses one -- please take a moment to fill out this quick survey – it only takes a few minutes – we promise! 

If you are a medical professional or member of an asthma or allergy coalition, please forward this to your patients or colleagues, or post the link on your facebook page. 

For more info on FDA’s hearing, click here:

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