Posted on: 28 August 2013 By: liana_aafa

PestWorld Facebook page

For every new Facebook “like” PestWorld receives through September 15, 2013, the Professional Pest Management Alliance will donate $1 to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), up to a total contribution of $10,000. The donation will fund asthma and allergy research, educational programs and other nonprofit services.

The Professional Pest Management Alliance, the public outreach arm of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), is currently running this “Take Action Against Asthma & Allergies" fundraising campaign on its PestWorld Facebook page to raise awareness about the link between pests and allergies and asthma. All campaign proceeds are going to AAFA.

Mike Tringale, senior vice president of AAFA, said, “We are glad to work with NPMA to educate the public about the health hazards that pests create for people with asthma and allergies. The support that NPMA has pledged to AAFA as the benefiting charity of this project will help us to advance our nonprofit work.”

Support asthma research now! Click “Like” on the PestWorld page:

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