Posted on: 06 May 2014 By: PVAsthmaCoalition

The Pioneer Valley Asthma Coalition Video Project has the answers to these questions and more! In celebration of Asthma Awareness Month, check out the series of asthma education videos featuring local leaders and residents of Springfield, Massachusetts. These videos cover a variety of asthma-related topics including Pioneer Valley Asthma Coalition’s important work to improve the lives of those with asthma by addressing prevalence disparity, air pollution’s impact on asthma, asthma in communities and schools, and what it is like to live with asthma on a regular basis. Check out the videos at  and learn more about the different types of videos available below.

Importance of PVAC

Learn about the asthma work the Pioneer Valley Asthma Coalition is doing in their community!

Managing Asthma

Watch how to properly use an inhaler and learn important asthma management information.

Asthma and Air Pollution

Learn about sources of air pollution and the challenges of dealing with high air pollution when you have asthma.

Asthma in the Community

Asthma impacts our community. Here are some tools that we can use to address the problem! 

Asthma in Schools

10.5 million school days are missed each year due to asthma. Teachers, find out how you can make your classroom more asthma friendly. Parents, find out what should you do at the beginning of the school year if your child has asthma.

Living with Asthma - Personal Stories

Hear stories from real people living with asthma!

For more information about the videos, please contact Sarita Hudson, Pioneer Valley Asthma Coalition Manager.

Phone: 413.794.7600

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