LifeGuard Games has developed a new mobile game teaching asthma management for kids age 6-11. The app, Wellapets (, is set to be released early next year and features a fire-breathing dragon who wants to blow fire like its friends, but can’t because it has asthma. It’s up to kids to care for the dragon in much the same way they care for themselves, ultimately teaching their pet to blow fire, unlocking new rooms and minigames. Our game is somewhat similar to Club Penguin or Moshi Monsters, and will be for all iOS and Android phones and tablets. Finally, our design features input from pediatric asthma specialists physicians in Boston.
We currently seek beta testers to try our game on their tablets or phones and provide feedback. To sign up for our beta, visit then, visit from your mobile device and you're set! You'll receive an email when our app becomes available in early January.
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