CHEST 2009 Conference
American College of Chest Physicians
11th Annual ACCP Community Asthma and COPD Coalitions Symposium
CHEST 2009
Wednesday and Thursday November 4-5, 2009
San Diego, California
The agenda and presentations are now available from the 11th Annual ACCP Community Asthma and COPD Coalitions Symposium, CHEST 2009 Conference.
Every year, the American College of Chest Physicians gathers experts from around the globe to learn about the latest clinical breakthroughs, technologic innovations, and practice management issues. During the conference, attendees participated in a two day Symposium focusing solely on asthma and COPD management. Download these valuable resources to learn the latest information on asthma care and to discover effective asthma management strategies.
- Asthma in 2009 – Jay I. Peters, MD, FCCP
- COPD in 2010 – Brian Carlin, MD, FCCP
- Asthma-Related State Initiatives and Policy: How the Coalitions Can Influence Big Government – W. Brendle Glomb, MD, FCCP
- Asthma-Related State Initiatives and Policy: How the Coalitions Can Influence Big Government – Barry Lachman, MD
- ALA National Asthma Public Policy Agenda – Katherine Pruitt
- MCAN Asthma Advocacy Activities – Floyd J. Malveaux, MD, PhD
- Asthma and COPD Coalitions: How Coalitions are Approaching the Advocacy Challenge – Anne Kelsey Lamb, Valerie Chang, JD, John Walsh
- Telemedicine in the Control of Asthma and COPD Ronald K. Poropatich, MD, MS, FCCP
- COPD Learn More Breathe Better Partnership Roundtable: What can the awareness campaign do to help you and your community – Amy Pianalto
- If you treat asthma you can (and must) treat tobacco dependence: The new ACCP Tobacco Dependence Treatment Tool Kit – Harold J Farber, MD, MSPH, FCCP
- Schools and Asthma – Steven W. Conti, MBA, RRT, AE-C
- Use of Community Health Workers to Improve Asthma Management: Successes and Challenges – Melissa A. Gutierrez, MS
- COPD Coalitions: Who is doing what? And how successful is it? – Stacy Ignoffo