Reference Guide

Adherence to National Asthma Education and Prevention Program's "How Asthma-Friendly Is Your School?" Recommendations

Sponsoring Program Name: 
FASHA Division of Adolescent and School Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
School health policies and programs provide the framework for a safe and supportive environment for students with asthma. School Health Policies and Programs Study 2006 data were examined to assess whether schools nationwide have policies and programs consistent with the "How Asthma-Friendly Is Your School?" checklist from the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. Adherence to

School health policies and programs provide the framework for a safe and supportive environment for students with asthma. School Health Policies and Programs Study 2006 data were examined to assess whether schools nationwide have policies and programs consistent with the "How Asthma-Friendly Is Your School?" checklist from the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. Adherence to some of the recommendations on the checklist was high. For example, 80% or more of schools allowed students to carry and self-administer asthma medications, and obtained and kept asthma action plans. For other recommendations, however, far fewer schools had the recommended polices or programs; most notably, less than one third of schools had a full-time Registered Nurse. Improvements in many school policies and programs are needed so that students have a safe and supportive school environment to help them control their asthma while away from home.

Contact Name: 
Sherry Everett Jones
Contact Email:
Resource Type: 
Literacy Level: 

Partnering for Success: How Health Departments Work and How to Work With Health Departments

Sponsoring Program Name: 
National Association of Chronic Disease Directors
Partnering for Success: How Health Departments Work and How to Work with Health Departments focuses on creating healthy schools, and discusses the many ways in which health departments can be of support to education departments, schools, and community leaders. The publication is designed to help readers better understand how state and local public health systems are structured, th

Partnering for Success: How Health Departments Work and How to Work with Health Departments focuses on creating healthy schools, and discusses the many ways in which health departments can be of support to education departments, schools, and community leaders. The publication is designed to help readers better understand how state and local public health systems are structured, their roles, what types of programs they administer, the support and resources they can offer to school health programs, and how to take advantage of those resources.

Contact Name: 
Amy Greene
Contact Email:
Resource Type: 
Literacy Level: 
Target Audience: 

Integrated Pest Management: A Guide for Managers and Owners of Affordable Housing

Sponsoring Program Name: 
Boston Public Health Commission
Pest control is only one of your many responsibilities as a manager or owner of affordable or public housing, but it can be one of the most challenging. This guide describes a process of pest control that has proven effective in public housing developments all around the country.

Pest control is only one of your many responsibilities as a manager or owner of affordable or public housing, but it can be one of the most challenging. This guide describes a process of pest control that has proven effective in public housing developments all around the country.

File Attachment: 
Contact Name: 
Margaret Reid
Contact Email:
Resource Category: 
Resource Type: 
Literacy Level: 
Target Audience: 
