Moderator: Tracey Mitchell, RRT, AE-C, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Speaker: Cristine Rameker, M.P.H., Wisconsin Asthma Program Manager, Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Carrie Tomasallo, M.P.H., Ph.D., Environmental Epidemiology and Surveillance Section Manager, Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Megan Elderbrook, M.P.H., CHES, Wisconsin Asthma Program Epidemiologist, Wisconsin Department of Health Services

During Asthma Awareness Month each May, EPA recognizes leading asthma management programs for their in-home interventions through the National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management. The 2023 winner is the Wisconsin Department of Health Services' Asthma Program!

Learn how the Wisconsin Asthma Program's successful strategies can apply to your own program. 

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