Moderator: Erin McTigue, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 10, Presenters: Matthew Hayashi, Principal Organizational Development and Leadership Consultant, Headwater People Consulting, Shawn Blackshear, Acting Director, Portland Area Division of Environmental Health Services, Indian Health Service’s Yakama Field Office.

On today’s webinar, “Opportunities for In-Home Asthma Care in Native Communities: A Northwest Initiative and Tribal Pilot Project” we feature Matthew Echohawk Hayashi, Principal Organizational Development and Leadership Consultant, Headwater People Consulting, and Shawn Blackshear, Acting Director, Portland Area Division of Environmental Health Services, Indian Health Service’s Yakama Field Office. I will also be speaking on EPA Region 10’s role in this work.

In the webinar, you will learn about:

  • Lessons from a 5-year effort to build capacity and explore sustainable funding for asthma in-home environmental interventions in Native communities.
  • Guidance about how a multidisciplinary team was formed with tribes, federal partners, and state and local organizations, including the importance of involving tribal voices in program design.
  • Firsthand experiences from a leader of a home-visiting program in a tribal community in Washington state.
  • Opportunities and barriers to expanding in-home asthma care in Native communities.
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