National Asthma Forum Reflections

  • Posted on: 28 June 2011
  • By: t.enger

Hello Members! 

As many of you may know, the 2011 National Asthma Forum took place June 9-10, in Washington, DC. I want to thank all of you who were able to attend this year’s Forum – it was great to catch up with those of you who I’ve gotten to know at past Forums and to hear how your asthma management programs have progressed. There were also new faces in the crowd and I’m grateful for having had the opportunity to meet these new people and discuss ways in which we, together, can improve community asthma care.  And for those unable to attend this year’s Forum, do not worry! You can participate in conversations that began at the Forum and will continue on, as well as access the tools and resources to help you develop your asthma management program.

For two days at the National Asthma Forum, asthma champions from around the country came together to share best practices, cutting edge program strategies, and engage in dynamic discussions to improve asthma management resulting in positive health outcomes. Some of this year’s speakers included:

  • Dr Jim Krieger from King County Asthma Program
  • Dr. Lara Akinbami from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Sarah Gill from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Dr. Stephen Teach from Children’s National Medical Center, IMPACT DC

I encourage you to review the exceptional presentations shared at this event, which are all available on the Conference Materials page on I know these resources will serve as powerful tools for your asthma programs.

Once again, thank you to those who were able to participate in the National Asthma Forum, and an even bigger thank you to everyone who works year round to bring asthma under control in their communities.  YOU truly are the driving force behind every asthma success story.

Until next time, 

Tracy Enger

National Asthma Forum Event Facilitator


The National Asthma Forum was a remarkable event! I would urge everyone who has thought about attending, to do so.  Interacting with asthma educators, and health professionals from all over the country was a wonderful experience. 

The break-out sessions allowed each of us to decide what areas of instruction and discussion formats would personally benefit us.  The whole group sessions were not only informative, but interactive and uplifting.

This was my first time attending the Forum, but I do hope to attend every year.  It was a well organzied and thoroughly enjoyable event.

Thank you EPA for all of the hard work that you put into this year's Forum.  It was a huge success.