Posted on: 07 June 2011 By: kali17tt

Hello Everyone, 

I thought I'd put this topic up for discussion to see if anyone else is experiencing the same challenges or has any ideas to contribute.

I was asked by the Asthma Advisory Council to assist in
developing an Asthma Action Plan Policy Development Committee. To require instead of recommend Asthma Action Plans for all school aged children in Connecticut.

I am looking for guidance if anyone had had experience on
this matter.

I wish I could be with you at the Asthma Forum this year.  

Best regards,


Teresa Frankhauser RRT, NPS

Director of the Healthy Families: Asthma Initiative

FaithCare Wellness Center
of Hartford


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Fri, 06/10/2011 - 08:25


you will definitely want to have broad representation of stakeholders on this council to build consensus for this sort of legislative change.  I would recommend the following:

A public school nurse with a leadership role in improving public health outcomes 

Someone who has a leadership role in the school nurse union

A school administer who can provide insight into the the considerations for implementations at the school level

A local school board member who has worked on asthma or public health initiatives or at least supports the initiative

a member from a local american lung

a member from mothers of asthmatics

a pediatrician with an interest in asthma and public health

a physician who is an asthma specialist

member of another community based organization with a mission to improve health outcomes in children

someone with experitise in the ADA and 504 accomodations

A parents who champions the cause

It sounds like  this will require a state legislative change, perhaps you want to give the health commitee head of the house and senate an opportunity to appoint some of these people.



Fri, 06/10/2011 - 08:36

Oh,  I would also include one young person with asthma who has benefited from comprehensive asthma disease managment.  The kids are definitely stakeholders too!

Desi-Rae Severson

Tue, 11/22/2011 - 11:17

The State of Maine passed LD 1768 which is An Act to Authorize Certain School Children to carry Emergency Medication on their persons. Part of this LD requires the child to prove to the school nurse in writting that they have the knowledge and skill to safely possess and use an asthma inhaler and epi pen. We modified our written school aged action plan so there is a signature line for the school nurse, parent, and doctor. This satisfied the written requirement of the law.

This would not have been possible without the help of our Lung Association and our Coalition partners especially the Asthma Educators in our state.

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